Code of Ethics
Black Belt Recruiters subscribe to the highest ethical standards and only utilize recruiting techniques that promote the recruiting profession as a whole. iPASS is committed to a standard of excellence that employs only professional and ethical recruiting and placement strategies. The Black Belt Leadership Committee provides the ethics directive of the organization.
Our Code of Ethics is comprised of elements that pertain to standards of conduct that align with the values that the Black Belt Leadership Committee has identified as being most important to the recruiting profession and the people we interact with.
We believe in integrity and persevere to hold our members accountable should they engage in conduct not becoming a Black Belt Recruiter. As such, each iPASS member subscribes to and endorses this Code of Ethics prior to, and as a condition of, his or her continuing membership in iPASS.
We value iPASS as the organization that certifies our professionalism.- In order to establish trust and build productive relationships with everyone that we work with, iPASS members promote iPASS awareness through proper display of our designations in our email signatures, business cards, and other business mediums that we utilize in advancing our services.
- iPASS members only use the appropriate iPASS designations to represent their approved level of expertise of the profession:
/ Black Belt Recruiter / BBR
/ Red Belt Recruiter / RBR
/ Green Belt Recruiter / GBR
/ Brown Belt Recruiter / BrBR
- iPASS members use the appropriate iPASS designatory letters (BBR/RBR/GBR/BrBR) at all times while remaining a member of the International Professional Alliance of Staffing Specialists.
- Use of any iPASS designation without approval to use such designation shall be a breach of this Code of Ethics.
- We provide the client with full disclosure of fee obligations and resolution provisions (refund/replacement) prior to referring candidates.
- We only refer candidates to clients (a) after receiving prior authorization or request from the client; or (b) when we have a reasonable belief that the employer would desire the referral (based on previous experience or communication with the client).
- We only present clients with bona-fide candidates that we believe are qualified to do the job.
- Candidate information provided to the client shall be the most accurate known to the recruiter. We do not withhold information that we believe a client would consider essential to the selection process.
- We do not knowingly solicit client employees or previously placed candidates for any other positions where work would be required prior to the normal end of the client's need for the services provided by those employees and/or placed candidates.
- Candidates shall be referred to clients only with the candidate's having given his or her express prior consent.
- Candidates shall only be referred to clients that have authorized the referral and only for bona-fide job openings.
- We refer all qualified candidates for so long as the opportunity is available without participating in unlawful discrimination.
- Once a referral has taken place, we inform the candidate of the results of the referral in a timely manner.
- Client information provided to the candidate shall be the most accurate known to the recruiter. Subject to the recruiter's duty to the client, we do not withhold information that we believe a candidate would consider essential in his or her decision making process, including information regarding duties, rate of pay, stability of client, impending/existing strike or lockout situation, and probable length of employment.
- We do not refer candidates to clients known to engage in illegal, immoral, or questionable business practices.
- We engage in appropriate behavior at all times. We treat others with respect, honesty and transparency.
- We do not engage in any activity that might bring disrepute to ourselves, fellow members, iPASS, or the recruiting industry.
- We observe and respect the confidentiality of all that we work with, including our own and other recruitment firms, employers, clients, and candidates.
- We do not misrepresent our relationship with clients or candidates. We do not claim exclusive or retained client agreements where none exists. We do not represent a candidate for a specific work opportunity without express permission from the candidate to do so.
- We do not discuss, accept, or try to collect fees from candidates.
- We do not make false or deceptive claims in any advertising, promotion, or public relations material. All work opportunities posted in job boards or job listings in any media shall be factual and refer to bona-fide openings at the time that posting was placed.
- We believe in an individual's right to work. We understand that governments pass laws to protect employers, clients, candidates, employees, and recruitment firms while preserving each individual's right to work. We respect the need for these laws and appreciate the value that they bring to society.
- iPASS members comply with all relevant legislation, statutory and non-statutory codes, official guidance, international, national, and local laws that deal with work and/or employment.
- We are committed to fair employment and non-discriminatory practices. We do not act on discriminatory instructions from clients and work to provide guidance on good diversity practices.
- iPASS members maintain professional development in accordance with their level of certified proficiency through pursuit of approved continuing education opportunities.
Consequences for Breach of the Code
Any known or reported breach(es) of this Code of Ethics will be investigated by the Black Belt Recruiter Leadership Committee under the iPASS Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure.
iPASS members shall cooperate with the investigation of alleged violations of this Code of Ethics and shall abide by the decisions of the Black Belt Recruiter Leadership Committee or its appointees.
Sanctions for violation of this Code include:
- Order to comply
- Warning
- Expulsion from iPASS (with or without publicity)
Complaints regarding possible ethics violations can be reported by contacting us here.